Florian Trauner

Florian Trauner holds a Jean Monnet Chair at the Institute for European Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. Together with Ilke Adam, he also coordinates the VUB’s Interdisciplinary Centre of Expertise on Migration and Minorities (BIRMM). His research focuses on the European integration process with a focus on EU asylum, migration, forcible return and counter-terrorism policies.The authors are:Ilke Adam, Tundé Adefioye, Ahmad Wali Ahmad Yar, Géraldine André, Karel Arnaut, Christil Asamoah, Deniz Ay, Elisabeth Bekers, Saloua Berdai-Chaouni, Kristel Beyens, Tuba Bircan, Simon Boone, Dounia Bourabain, Lars Breuls, Karen Celis, Omar N. Cham, Safaa Charafi, Ann Claeys, Ronald Crouzé, Serena D’Agostino, Liesbet De Backer, Paul De Hert, Patrick Deboosere, Hakki Demirkapu, Els Dumortier, Hala El Moussawi, Laura Emery, Nadia Fadil, Ilke Froyen, Sylvia Hoens, Yijia Huang, Minne Huysmans, Lena Imeraj, Mariska Jung, Billy Kalonji, Gil Keppens, Dirk Lafaut, Ilse Laurijssen, Iman Lechkar, Jonas Lefevere, Hélène Lemblé, Soumaya Majdoub, Laora Mastari, Bruno Meeus, Pieter Meurs, Nette Nöstlinger, Giacomo Orsini, Honghui Pan, Shilpi Pandey, Laura Petrache Le Guern, Ann Roex, Israa Sadder, Marjolein Schepers, Hanna Schneider, Nick Schuermans, Geertrui Serneels, Eline Severs, Anna Simola, Jessy Siongers, An-Sofie Smetcoren, Stefaan Smis, Bram Spruyt, Philipp Stutz, Lena Swinnen, Eva Swyngedouw, Angela Tacea, Petrus Te Braak, Marc Theeboom, Florian Trauner, Marijke Van Buggenhout, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Filip Van Droogenbroeck, Bas Van Heur, Frank Van Holen, Jochem Van Noord, Rita Vanobberghen, Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe, Amy Weatherburn, Laura Westerveen, Sophie Withaeckx, Gabriel Zohar  

Publications from Florian Trauner

Philosophies, ideologies, and religions

Ilke Adam & Tundé Adefioye & Serena D’Agostino & Florian Trauner & Nick Schuermans

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Philosophies, ideologies, and religions

Ilke Adam & Tundé Adefioye & Serena D’Agostino & Florian Trauner & Nick Schuermans

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