Are robots smarter than people? Will you end up with a robot as a workmate? Will you fall head over heels in love with a robot? Will robots be given a license to kill? Do robots make good surgeons? What if athletes become robots? Would you let a robot put your grandmother to bed? Won’t household robots wash your dirty linen in public? Thanks to cutting-edge technology, our living environment is changing rapidly. The combination of robotics and artificial intelligence has opened up a seemingly endless range of new possibilities, from self-driving cars to sex robots and killer bots. This technological revolution will drastically change our society, just as the industrial revolution did more than 250 years ago. How does man fit into this technological revolution? More than fifty professors and researchers have taken up this question, studying the ways in which technology can be further developed for the benefit of mankind. The book Homo Roboticus collates their answers and presents an inclusive robotic agenda along with recommendations for the present and the future. Homo Roboticus is the work of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) think tank POINcaré and was created under the direction of An Jacobs (imec-SMIT, VUB), Lynn Tytgat (, VUB), Michel Maus (VUB - Bloomlaw), Romain Meeusen (MFYS, VUB), and Bram Vanderborght (Brubotics, VUB). You can find more information on www.homo-roboticus.beTable of contents
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An Jacobs
Lynn Tytgat
Lynn Tytgat is gastprofessor aan de VUB en coördinator van Zij is verantwoordelijk voor de lokale en internationale partnerschappen van de VUB. Lynn werkt nauw samen met en in de Brusselse kunstscène om de banden tussen wetenschap, onderwijs en kunst te versterken. Ze is onder meer de drijvende kracht achter Mindblowers. Lynn studeerde Literatuur- en Theaterwetenschappen en Internationaal en Europees Recht aan de VUB, en Management aan de Solvay Brussels School - ULB. Ze werkte in New York, Parijs, Brugge en Brussel voor onder meer UNESCO, de Universiteit van de Verenigde Naties (UNU), de Permanente Vertegenwoordiging van België bij de VN en de Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel (EhB). Lynn zit ook in verschillende raden van bestuur waaronder Ancienne Belgique, MAD Brussels, Cinematek en Brusseleir.